You read that correctly folks. After an enduring re-write, a nerve-racking crowd funding campaign, 2 professional edits, countless proofreading, several arguments with my publisher and a partridge in a pear tree, the long-awaited revamp of The Book of Neophyte: The Awakening is FINALLY on the shelves.
That's right! You can waltz into your local Chapters or Indigo store and score yourself a copy for a discounted price. Why? Because the weight of my readers' wallet matters to me! Another reason why the revamping process took so long: pricing negotiations.
But, Alas the final word count sits at a whopping 602 Pages! Keep in mind that a good number of those pages make up the first chapter of book 2; The Order of the Golden Dawn. The full release will follow shortly seeing that it's just about ready for publishing.
Now, to settle my arrangements and keep my side of the bargain with my Indigogo backers. Keep your eye on the mailbox in the next few weeks; I have something rather special coming your way!